Served 7,319 ELDERLY


Asset 15 

Supported 341 vulnerable homebound seniors through Care Close to Home

Asset 16 

1729 seniors were served by TOUCH’s Senior Activity Centres

Asset 17 

Delivered 306,095 meals to some 600 homebound seniors through Meals-on-Wheels programme

Asset 18 

Established TOUCHpoint@AMK 433 as part of community enablement efforts to support ageing in community

Served 134,384 children, youths, parents and educators


Asset 33 

Reached out to 119,482 youths, parents, counsellors and educators through TOUCH Cyber Wellness’ school education and centre programmes

Asset 32 

TOUCH Youth Intervention’s counsellors received 773 calls to TOUCHLine, a 39.2% increase from the past year

Asset 34 

A.p.t.i.t.u.d.e (in both ITE College East and Central) served some 8,000 youths on campus and completed 12 runs of interest groups with industrial partners. A total of 222 students received vocation training in 2019.

Asset 35 

For every dollar invested in the A.p.t.i.t.u.d.e programme by TOUCH Leadership & Mentoring, it generated a $3.78 Social Return on Investment (SROI)

TOUCH Diabetes Support promoted diabetes awareness to 2,891 INDIVIDUALS


Asset 24 

Reached out to 200 clients through five Diabetes Peer Support Groups

Asset 23 

Engaged 73 seniors through monthly Diabetes Support Groups

Asset 25 

Advocated messages on diabetes management and awareness through Y Diabetes to 1,577 youths from secondary schools and polytechnics

TOUCH Special Needs Group reached out to 1,864 INDIVIDUALS through its programmes and services

Special Needs

Asset 36 

6 trainee’s artwork were featured at The Istana’s 150th commemoration exhibition

Asset 38 

More than 300 household units received a gift from trainees for the Community Blessing Project

Asset 37 

Showcased 16 artworks of special needs clients at TOUCH Giving Art, of which 10 were sold

Asset 39 

TOUCH Special Crafts sold 170 artwork and crafts in support of our work in the special needs community

TOUCH Family Life prepared 230 COUPLES for marriage


Asset 19 

TOUCH Family Life support 303 clients through 591 counselling sessions

Asset 20 

Satisfaction rating of 9.73 out of 10 for TOUCH Adoption by prospective adopters

Asset 21 

Connected and supported 395 adoptive families through TOUCH Adoptive Families Network (TAFNET)

Asset 22 

Reached out to 6,422 participants through family life workshops, talks at schools, corporations, and the community

served 596 Children from needy families


Asset 12 

170 Children and 293 parents took part in all the Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) projects

Asset 13 

Supported 596 children from low-income or single-parent families through weekly educational activities

Asset 40 

64.5% of clients who graduated from TOUCH Young Arrows in 2018 continued to join the programme as teens in 2019

Asset 14 

410 regular volunteers helped out at the weekly programmes at 25 TYA Clubs