Stroke Prevention

Elderly Group

Stroke Prevention

Stroke is the fourth most common cause of death, accounting for more than 10 percent of all deaths. According to SingHealth, every hour, on average, one person in Singapore suffers a stroke and there are 26 new stroke cases every day. The burden of stroke will continue to rise with our ageing population.

We’ve shared how you can detect a stroke by identifying the early signs and act fast before the stroke turns fatal or causes permanent damage to the brain and body. But did you know that there are effective steps one can take to prevent or reduce the risk of a stroke in the first place?

Read on for stroke prevention tips by TOUCH Home Care and make the effort to stay healthy. After all, prevention is always better than cure!

Stroke Prevention diagram


TOUCH Home Care (THC) aims to enable the frail elderly live with dignity as they age well at home and in the community. Working closely with TOUCH Caregivers Support (TCG), each elderly client is served in their home by a trans-disciplinary team comprising doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, senior care associates and befrienders. Besides home medical and nursing services, THC’s team also provides housekeeping, personal hygiene services, and escort services for medical appointments. Get in touch with us at