Effective Caregiving for Persons with Intellectual Disability

Special Needs Group

Effective Caregiving for Persons with Intellectual Disability

Caring for a loved one with an intellectual disability can feel overwhelming at times. To navigate this journey effectively, caregivers need to be armed with a good understanding of the disability and diagnosis, as well as the knowledge and resources to support their loved one.

Here are five tips summarised from the SG Enable's Caregiver Learning Roadmap to guide you through the five caregiving stages.

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Have any questions on caregiving or want to find out more about caregiver-related support and services? Visit www.touch.org.sg/caregivers today.

TOUCH Caregivers Support (TCG) envisions a community in which caregivers, together with their loved ones, are empowered to live well. It aims to do this by caring for the carer, while building a care network around the family, to build confidence and strengthen support. By focusing on the individual’s strength and taking a family-centred approach, TCG will strive to improve care sustainability, enabling caregivers to enjoy a better quality of life. To help caregivers cope with the challenges of caregiving, TCG provides a range of care resources, including helplines, home modification schemes, caregiver training and online community support. As an advocate for caregivers, TCG also conducts talks and webinars, and shares insights on media platforms to empower and further support caregivers on their journey.