About the Role

TOUCH Ubi Hostel provide trainings for adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities with advanced independent living skills and help them to better integrate into the community. The trainees stay in the hostel from Mon to Fri and returned home during the weekend for those with family support. During the daytime, majority of the trainees will go to work while some will receive in-house job preparation training to prepare them for employment.  


Volunteers will assist the Life skills coach in guiding the trainees during their training programme. This includes daily living and community living skills, personal social skills and occupational guidance training so that they can be integrated back into the community and live a better quality of lifeYou will also provide essential care to the trainees in the hostel through befriending role and ensuring their safety and well-being is well taken care of.  


Suitable for
Individual who has keen interest and passion in working with people with mild intellectual disability.  
Mature individual that can mentor others. 

Volunteers are needed during the following training period. Only trained volunteers are allocated to weekend programme after they have served in TUH for at least 3 months. 


Monday to Thursday, 7pm to 10pm. 

Saturday, 9am to 1pm, 1pm to 5pm. 

Minimum Age
20 years old.
Weekly for 3 to 6 months.
Vaccination against Covid-19
Volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated* against Covid-19
*Definition of full vaccination will be aligned with the latest official guidelines as stipulated by MOH and/or related agencies.


Q: I have not worked with young adults with special needs, will training be provided? 

A: Orientation will be conducted for volunteers and they will be briefed on how to engage young adults with special needs. 


Q: What type of training programme for the clients I will be involved in? 

A: Training Programme may include 

  • Daily Living Skills Eghousekeeping, personal hygiene etc 

  • Community Living Skills  

  • Personal Social Skills 

  • Exercise and Line Dancing 


Essential Care Volunteer

By Nasril SAAT

  • img-responsive
    01 Sep 2021 - 31 Dec 2024
  • 09:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • TOUCH Ubi Hostel Blk 301 Ubi Ave 1 #01-295 Singapore 400301
Volunteer Registration

For group sign-ups and other enquiries, email us at volunteers@touch.org.sg

Volunteer Now